Andrew Mason's profile

The Cross Section

The Cross Section is an annual publication by students in the Scandinavian Studies program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Graphic design students at Boise State University  each design a book compiling the essays written by UWM students.

For my version, I chose two colors to use in all designs throughout the publication. Graphic and type elements are printed in the two colors, and photographs have a gradient overlay of the two colors.

I ordered a hard copy through's print on demand service.
I drew an icon to represent each essay to aid in navigation.

The icons are present in the Contents page, on the title pages of each essay, and in the recto right margin for quick navigation when flipping through the book. The margin icons are distributed vertically along the edge of the page to indicate how far through the book the reader is, and match the position of the icons on the Contents page.
All title pages
The Cross Section

The Cross Section
